· By Annemarie Rice
Upside Health Inc Donates 60,000 Face Masks to Northwestern University
Evanston, IL - Upside Health Inc has made a donation of 60,000 face masks to Northwestern University through the assistance of a recent alumnus and two undergraduate students. The donated masks will be distributed to members of the community who are currently on the Evanston campus.
“At Northwestern, safety is our guiding principle, and all community members play a role in protecting the health of others and ourselves,” said Jeremy Schenk, executive director of Northwestern’s Norris University Center. “Upside Health’s generous donation of face masks will help us in our efforts to reduce the transmission of COVID-19 and to maintain a healthy working, learning and living environment.”
As part of the phased return to campus and the start of the Fall term, Northwestern has taken a number of steps to safeguard the health and well-being of the community on and around campus. Among them are a Return to Campus policy, COVID-19 testing program, new procedures for research and instructional spaces, the distribution of personal protective equipment, and a community-wide public awareness campaign called, “We’re N This Together.” Information about Northwestern’s efforts and policies as well as resources for the campus community can be found on the University’s COVID-19 and Campus Updates website.
“This pandemic requires everyone to take initiative and do their part,” said Jonathan Hanitio, a recent graduate of NU and volunteer at Upside Health Inc. “I am grateful I had the chance to work with like-minded entrepreneurs and volunteers at Upside Health to make sure returning students are adequately provided for.”
The donation was facilitated through Northwestern alumnus Jonathan Hanitio (NU ’20) and students, Ryan Teo (NU ’21) and Stella Lin (NU ’21), volunteers at Upside Health Inc. Together, the group conducted extensive market research and strategic consultation, helping Upside streamline its supply chain and deliver masks to medical providers, retail stores, school districts, and their own local community.
To learn more about Upside Health Inc visit www.upsidehealthinc.com.
About Upside Health Inc
Upside Health Inc is an FDA accredited developer, importer and distributor of their Upside™ Procedural & Surgical3-Ply face mask product lines for medical institutions, government agencies and consumers. Upside Health Inc controls the entire supply chain to ensure quality, compliance and proper export/import of all medical products. The company's U.S. tested ASTM Level 1, Level 2 and Level 3 Procedural and Surgical masks lead the post-pandemic industry in quality and customer satisfaction.